SCAM – 08000988470

Looks like Itezy have changed their name / using another one, however the scam is still the same as I exposed a couple of months ago.
They call saying they are offering free support. Take control of your computer, then state it is infected and charge you through the nose to get the “viruses” removed.
Keep well clear of them.

Thanks to John Ingle in the last post for the tip-off.

ps, looks like they are comment spamming over the internet trying to boost up their page rankings / dropping the negative articles. If you run a website where they have left their crap I suggest either a) deleting it, or b) let your reader know what a bunch of scum bags these people are.

SCAM – 0800 098 8470

I’ve just had a phone call from Mike Cooper at “Microsoft” claiming that they will provide me with free IT support.
He advised me that I was being called because when Internet Explorer crashed and I pressed Report this to Microsoft the problem was so important they phoned me and that the problem on my computer had actually infected Microsoft’s own servers!
Not only would he help fix my computer but he would provide free software to keep it protected in the future as no one anti virus software would protect me “100 person”.
All I had to do was visit and download “System Protector”, “Email and Data Backup” and “Anti-mallware Protection” and if I had any future problems to call them back on 0800 0988470.

As soon as the call started I knew it was a scam, for starters Mike didn’t sound very English, he was badly reading from a script, he wanted me to visit Microsoft’s website at a URL which wasn’t, and he thought I was still using IE!
I ended the call at the stage where he wanted me to enter their website, this allowed me to get most of the information they were providing to write this blog post without infecting my machine. I was then phoned back twice, however I just ignored the calls.

Microsoft will never call you, if you have visited this website uninstall anything you have downloaded. If you have handed over cash ask for your money back and contact your credit card company.
Get a real anti virus software and check to see if anything has been left on your machine, and if you are still worried take it to a local expect.

Microsoft Australia have a blog post about this scam, looks like it’s just started to come over here.

8th June 2010 edit: for a laugh I went to their website on a sandboxed device. They list their “UK address” as Marble Arch Tower, 55 Bryanston Street, London, W1H 7AA which when googled comes back with a variety of iffy companies and this one for a Virtual Office where you can have your mail redirected.
And looking further the same goes for their New Zealand, US and Australian offices.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-10

  • has 256 spam in my inbox. the binary in me likes this. #
  • Was out walking 2.04 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @vodafoneuk no signal at my house, ln5 8jp. Any known issues? HSPDA mast just around the corner. #
  • @VodafoneUK both phones in the house have no signal, and my walk to the shops didn't pick anything up. in reply to VodafoneUK #
  • YBF out delivering Hung Parliament scare leaflets. No imprints and not being pushed all the way through. #
  • … message seems to be WAAAAH Dave said it was our turn. Stamp feet. #
  • Was out walking 3.76 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @jamesgraham same here in Lincoln too. Although the delivers didn't look that young. in reply to jamesgraham #
  • RT @stephmog: BBC news operating on fear? Showing more Cameron gloss, and nothing on #PhilippaStroud #libdemflashmob or Gulf Oil Spill #
  • why is no one on my Twitter feed keeping me up to date with the 20twenty? #
  • @matgb they are here in Lincoln, although illegal as someone forgot the imprint. in reply to matgb #
  • @cnps 996 03/05/10 #
  • Was out walking 3.54 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @helenduffett you could always email people just using however their sender address always had the in reply to helenduffett #
  • Was out walking 2.44 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • Was out walking 1.41 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • Was out walking 1.03 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @cnps 997 two left!!! #
  • @cnps 998 only one left! #
  • Was out walking 2.30 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @CharlotteGore saw this and thought of you #
  • @garydunion if it's low volume, short term, minimal cost, you could try #
  • @rickysline1978 since when was 36% winning? in reply to rickysline1978 #
  • @rickysline1978 but 64% (the majority) don't want them to run the country. in reply to rickysline1978 #
  • Was out walking 2.82 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • have just received an email saying Adobe CS5 is now available. Anyone got the wealth of a small country to help me buy a copy? #
  • that said Photoshop CS5 trial now available to download. Only 1gb! #
  • tomorrow every vote counts #
  • Beatrice really not happy that we took her for her jabs today. #
  • @bengoldacre they will all be micro usb in the near future. in reply to bengoldacre #

  • RT @Glinner: Also, in case you missed it last night… /via @mattleys #
  • live in #lincoln not sure where your polling station is? @ me and I'll let you know. #ge10 #
  • doing a YouGov survey which asks "If there were a general election held tomorrow, which party would you vote for?" please not another one! #
  • RT @bengoldacre: i think i'd vote lib dem whereever i lived today, just to get the percentage high enough to make a case for voting reform #
  • #ukvote LN5 #
  • Was out walking 1.40 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • two Starbucks this week and it's not even Friday! #
  • @cnps 999 #
  • Was out walking 1.08 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @richard_kaputt really? Park has one of the lowest turnouts in the City! in reply to richard_kaputt #
  • BBC dropped HIGNFY. Could they not fill 30 minutes of non-political stuff? #
  • trying to install TweetDeck on the laptop, however it seems to have crashed installing Adobe AIR. #
  • still time to vote if you haven't already. #
  • plans to use 3 computers to tweet/blog/watch the results failing as I have an asleep baby sat on me. #
  • paving stone feature rather crap. why not a yellow brick road. #bbc #ge10 #
  • 59 seats! WTF #
  • if the LibDem seats go down, how haven't the Tories got a majority??? #
  • Mandleson calling for the end of FPTP #
  • Alan Johnson opening up talks for a Lab/Lib coalition. #
  • BBC say Saddleworth News say Labour say that Oldham East and Saddleworth has gone LibDem! #
  • @Raycast running fine here on my machine, although it came out of the box with Win7 64bit pre installed. in reply to Raycast #
  • BBC live event page "Another former Lib Dem leader Neil Kinnock…" fuck missed that part of the party history. #

  • Election night set up #
  • William Hill making LibDem to get 70-74 the favourite odds. 45/1 for 100+ (time for a cheeky bet?) #
  • @stephmog one of the images still had daylight, and the leeds one was on around 9-9.30 in reply to stephmog #
  • enough Labour MPs now saying that they would be doing a deal if it goes hung, to make it clearly the party line. #
  • sky news have video from Islington showing people being turned away #
  • Tories "likely" to win Battersea (9th target based on swing) #
  • Sky calling "Edinburgh South" LD gain #
  • anyone else bored? can't we get some more results declared? #
  • @sshrpe it's a "Sky 100" declaration. Only declaring when they are 100% certain they've got the result. Could still be wrong though. in reply to sshrpe #
  • @krishgm woman on Sky said long queues at 7 as she came home, still long at 8, by 9.15 decided to join it, didn't get to vote. in reply to krishgm #
  • Mandelson on Sky, time to switch channels. #
  • Alliance win Belfast East beating Peter Robinson! #
  • BBC declaring lots of results, Sky seems to be stuck on Lab 4, Other 4. #
  • anyone got a site bringing in the PA results in a timeline format without fancy flash? #
  • RT @LincsEcho: Turnout figure for Lincoln is 62%, last time in 2005 it was 56.83%. #
  • @dracos if you find one let me know! in reply to dracos #
  • RT @alexfoster: Recount in Ashfield! Jason Zadrozny FTW #
  • from Facebook "Willie Rennie: sorry guys – I lost" #
  • just hoping that our Popular Vote is high #
  • Richard Grayson and the LibDems in Hemel Hempstead now in 2nd place! #
  • RT @lordbonkers: Recount in Ashfield – Lib Dems 100 votes ahead on first count, says ITV #
  • BBC website failing to load map and list of seats #
  • positive campaign?!? Dave if you continue to lie you don't deserve Number 10. #
  • mad nads holds 🙁 #
  • Lincoln won by Tories #
  • @red_imp up 1.9%. Labour down 8.5% in reply to red_imp #
  • good luck @drevenharris fingers crossed here #
  • recount in Hull North with a possible LibDem gain. #
  • Jacqui Smith GONE! #
  • well done Simon Wright! #
  • Labour hold Hull North, no LibDems elected anywhere near me 🙁 #
  • my spreadsheet has 461 out of 478 results. Guessing mostly Con holds which are missing. #
  • so everyone lost today. Tories no clear majority. Labour lowest vote share for years. LibDem losing seats. #
  • tonights winners: Greens and Alliance #
  • it's light outside, should I have gone to bed at some point? #
  • @red_imp wife who was at count failed to notice that. in reply to red_imp #
  • just been through my spreadsheet and the bbc list and am still missing 4 results. 2 lab, 2 tories #
  • at best Labour could now get the same number of MPs as the Tories. Can't see it happening though. #
  • Lincoln City Council goes NOC: Con 16, Lab 16, LD 1 #
  • @dracos finally found my missing one. Only took 3 looks to find it. Too long without sleep. in reply to dracos #
  • parliament was hung after the Lewisham Dept result as the Tories couldn't win Fermanagh & South Tyrone due to not standing in NI #
  • @timlovejoy 'we think it is just a 7/4 chance that the next General Election will also be held in 2010' said Hill's spokesman Graham Sharpe. in reply to timlovejoy #
  • RT @rand0m: Oxford votes cast: LD 41k, Con 33.6k, Lab 28k. MPs: Lab 1, Con 1, LD none. Tell me that's a functional electoral system at work. #
  • Sarah Teather confirmed as the MP for Brent Central. Now up to 52. #
  • Amber Valley, Bethnal Green & Bow, Devon W, Dudley N, Fermanagh & S Tyrone, Hackney N and Hackney S are the morning counts still to declare. #
  • LibDems 2nd in Bethnal Green & Bow #
  • @CllrIainRoberts well done. No need to change your twitter name. in reply to CllrIainRoberts #
  • Labour have managed three gains. Blaenau Gwent (Ind Lab), Bethnal Green & Bow (Respect) and Chesterfield (LD). Really crap night for them. #
  • @richard_kaputt well done Theobald 😀 in reply to richard_kaputt #
  • A rainbow "anyone but Tory" coalition would have too many nationalist demands. Needs to be a Tory/Lib deal (not coalition) or minority Tory. #
  • Nineteen seats left to declare (including Thirsk & Malton). Four are currently LD seats, can we keep them? #
  • @paulwalteruk we should refuse to join a collation with any party who insists on calling us The Liberals in reply to paulwalteruk #
  • expecting the "all party committee of inquiry on electoral reform" to be the thing which the tories give up. always start asking for more. #
  • the TV coverage has stopped, but we still have Devon West & Torridge to declare! #
  • In Lincolnshire the Tories got less than 50% of the vote, yet all seven seats. Surely it must be time for a change in our electoral system? #
  • RT @miss_s_b: Nadine Dorries, first post-election expenses scandal: should have been PREelection of course #sackdorries #
  • Was out walking 2.01 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @CatTurner surely that should say "I've always between polite to 'a' LibDem, but then you should always respect your parents" in reply to CatTurner #
  • RT @arsenalopinion: RT @big_trane: @arsenalopinion retweet if u hate tottenham…retweet if u hate tottenham….retweet if u hate tottenham #
  • @mpntod you could always get Freesat and it works with an old Sky dish if one is already on your house. in reply to mpntod #
  • RT @libdemvoice: New post: Vote for a Change – a Labour front? #

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49.77% of the vote, 100% of the seats

On May 6th the voters on Lincolnshire cast their votes. Here is the combined results for the seven constituencies.

Con 174,729 49.77%
LD 70,827 20.17%
Lab 68,043 19.38%
UKIP 16,346 4.66%
BNP 13,614 3.88%
Linc Ind 5,311 1.51%
Eng Dem 1,121 0.32%
Green 724 0.21%
Ind 393 0.11%

Yet under FPTP the Conservatives managed to obtain all seven seats.

One of the possible options for an STV election would be to have a Lincolnshire constituency with 6 MPs. Based on the numbers above both Labour and Liberal Democrats should have at least 1 MP each and the Tories 3, the final seat either LibDem or Tory.

There are some problems however converting FTPT directly to STV. To start with the tactical voters in Lincoln who voted for Labour and in Gainsborough who voted LibDem to stop the Tories probably would have voted for the party they actually wanted. As these people were never asked if they were voting tactical we have no idea how many would have changed.

The smaller parties like the Greens only fielded on candidate in South Holland and the Deepings. This one candidate if standing for Lincolnshire could have received more votes across the county, removing them from Labour/LibDems.

Also if it was true STV with you voting in preference to your preferred candidate (not party) those who voted for the UKIP, BNP, English Democrats and Lincolnshire Independents would have their 2nd/3rd/4th choices counted as their first choices were eliminated possibly giving the Tories more votes. But I’ve seen enough council ballot papers where people get 3 votes where they have voted BNP, LibDem, Green that these votes could go anywhere.

Only one thing I do know, it is deeply unfair that one party receiving less that 50% of the votes gets every single seat.

Nine hundred and ninety nine #cnps

On the 15th August 2004 I started looking out for number plates. Consecutively spotting the digits in the middle. 2090 days later I have finally reach the end point which is 999.

The last hundred have been hard, and I’m blaming the Labour government for their scrappage scheme in which pretty much any car with the old style plates could be converted into cash towards a new and totally pointless plated one.

I’m sure I could pour through the stats finding the days I found the most, the longest period between finding plates, the fastest 100, but instead I’m just going to stop and never look at a plate closely again.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-03

  • @cnps 991 #
  • nexus one free on a £40 a month (18months) tariff with Vodafone and in shops: – desire £5 less a month #

  • RT @helenduffett: Revolutionary Nick Clegg graffiti #
  • "95% of users love the bar's utility." was this a survey of the office? #
  • RT @jamesgraham: Won't voters be confused by Tory claims that the LDs and Lab plan to bring back hanging? Way to alienate your core vote! #
  • @gift_of_the_fab had you not seen the Vogue clip on the Fox website? in reply to gift_of_the_fab #
  • why does the NUS really believe that Labour candidates won't vote for higher fees? It's was them who brought us fees and top fees! #
  • @Sun_Election so that's what happens when you pull out of a Labour PR stunt, poor Peppa Pig. in reply to Sun_Election #
  • RT @jamesgraham: Double blow for Labour: not only have they lost Peppa Pig, but it turns out Iggle Piggle is the leader of the Tory party #

  • RT @rfenwick: If you only watch one video in this election, make it this one. Less than 2 mins. #ge2010 #
  • Newark only has 4 candidates for the General Election, anywhere with 3? #
  • @BBCLauraK yet they moan when he won't say. Also pretty sure a manifesto is a list of stuff parties would do after an election. in reply to BBCLauraK #
  • @liz_with_hat did you not get any screen shots? in reply to liz_with_hat #
  • @PaulOBrien Nexus ROM? in reply to PaulOBrien #
  • @cnps 993 #
  • @cnps 994 #
  • Beatrice cries loudest when Cameron speaks #leadersdebate #
  • RT @BeauBodOr: If you're offered a job & can't do it, you're name is George Osborne. #
  • RT @flashboy: Lovely backdrop, btw. I look forward to the bit where Nick Clegg unveils the next generation iPhone. #
  • RT @timminchin: Jesus, Cameron. "Change" is only good if the changes are good I want my health to change but cancer wouldnt be my preference #
  • Fulham through to the Europa League final. Liverpool gone to extra time. #
  • @rickysline1978 delete and retweet. Must remember to check for any auto corrects. in reply to rickysline1978 #
  • @cnps 995 – only 4 to go!!! #
  • worried that the weather will turn bad again this evening. why am I stuck in the office when leaflets could be delivered in the sun? #
  • the @Sun_Election feed seems to be obsessed with Clegg. Do you think they are getting worried? #disobeymurdoch #
  • Was out walking 3.26 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • @alexfoster nope sat in my pocket. The GPS receiver seems to be pretty good in my Nexus. in reply to alexfoster #
  • if you get a chance you should watch todays Daily Show, first half UK election including #bigotgate #
  • Was out walking 3.83 miles with #Endomondo See it here: #
  • RT @Wossy: My daughter is excited. Her first election! She watched all the debates and is just about to put the Lib Dem poster in her window #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-26

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