As reported in the Echo on Friday the wheelie bins for Lincoln have been delayed for a month due to the suppliers not making any bins.
With the original roll out supposed to begin this week, we were only told by the council on Thursday about the delays, who in turn were only informed on Monday.
It’s a real shame as hopefully the wheelie bins will end the consistent problem of black bags being left out days early.
Unfortunately the council have yet to put the any information about the delays on their website, but FAQs about the changes can be found here, alternatively you can call the council on 01522 873700 for more information.
All posts by Ryan Cullen
Back in May I went and saw Mark Billingham at the Lincoln Book Festival. Whilst there I got his latest book Buried signed. However only last week did I actually finish the book. It’s not that I’ve been busy reading other books or that the book was a slow one to read, it’s just that I haven’t actually read anything for 3 months. When I finally got around to reading it the book was finished in 4 days. Unlike other Billingham books this one is centred around a kidnapping and not a murder. It still has Tom Thorne and the rest of the usual characters appear throughout the book.
If you’ve enjoyed any of the other books, you’ll definitely enjoy this one. 8/10
ps, anyone got any idea why the new book Johnny Come Home by Jake Arnott isn’t on Amazon? I’ve just started reading it and had the book on my shelves for quite a while so it can’t be that new, but can’t add the link to my sidebar.
Where I’ve been meme
Guns, boats and a house that eats people
Been to the movies twice since my last review. David and I saw Miami Vice last week. I don’t remember the original TV show, but this was a great film. The camera work in the final battle was really good with handycams being mixed in with normal cameras. The film might have been a bit long in the middle and one of the plot lines was so obvious that you could see it coming from the first few minutes, but still it was better than a lot of the other films out at the moment and I want that boat. 7/10
The next film I’ve seen wasn’t on the list of films to watch this summer, but as we had Heathers niece and nephew over and Heather was at singing practice I agreed to take them to the cinema. They choose Monster House. The animated film is based around Halloween and has a House which eats people. I do enjoy watching children’s films, only on Monday we watched the Shrek 2 DVD, but the film wasn’t that great. The plot was boring, the animation wasn’t near the levels expected these days and the kids didn’t seem that excited once the film finished. 2/10
20mph zones
I live in a 20mph zone, we have terminal signs at all entrances informing people that they are entering the zone, but once in it they are only reminded it is twenty when exiting the zone.
I wrote to County to see if repeater signs were possible as they are in the West End. After months of waiting I got this reply.
Regarding your query about 20mph Zones and additional signs, the Sincil Bank Area is subject to a 20mph Zone and as such the use of 20mph repeater signs within the area is not allowed under the signing regulations. Any motorist, when driving off from being parked in the area, should know that they are within a 20mph Zone as they cannot enter the area without passing the 20mph Zone signs.You refer to the West End scheme, this area is covered by 20mph speed limits which does allow the use of repeater signs. This was introduced in this area, rather than a Zone, because of a bus route running through the area, which prevented the use of road humps and speed tables.
Surely this couldn’t be correct, a 20mph zone isn’t allowed repeater signs?
So I used Google to look for more information (notice how I didn’t google 20 mph zone).
After finding many local council press releases I found the Department for Transport website. I read through 20 mph speed limits and zones which didn’t tell me either way, next I tried Speed: Know your limits which on page 11 told me.
30mph Speed LimitThe 30mph speed limit is predominately used in urban areas (and more recently in many villages) and usually is indicated by the presence of a system of streetlights. The presence of street lights is the way we recognise this speed limit and it is the reason why you do not see, apart from where the limit starts, 30mph speed limit signs. Some believe this to be an odd way of indicating a speed limit, but really it is simple. If there are streetlights and no signs to the contrary a 30mph speed limit is in force.
So surely here was my answer, driving away from being parked outside my house at no point do I see any signs to the contrary, so the speed limit must be 30mph. But I knew that it couldn’t be that simple.
Looking at the References in the 20 mph speed limits and zones from earlier I could see something that might be useful TA Leaflet 1/95 Speed Limit Signs – A Guide to Good Practice, a search on the DFT website lead me to this page which states
20 mph speed limit zone – NO REPEATERS
Wow capitals, so County weren’t lying, we can’t have repeaters in the Sincil Bank Area.
Time to pester one of those Transport Minsters I think.
More channels on our box
Yesterday after having enough of only being able to watch channels 1 to 4, I went out and bought a Freeview box.
I plugged it in, followed the instructions and got BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three/CBBC and BBC News 24. So I went from getting four channels to four channels.
So today I phoned for an aerial engineer called R W Parish, he was here for an hour. Installed a new aerial and replaced the coaxial cable as the old cable was pretty much damaged and now we have lots of channels.
I got Freeview because I wanted BBC Three, BBC Four, E4 and More 4 whilst I think Heather will be happy with just CBeebies.
LibDems on Drugs
Now I’m not sure if it’s the computers here at work, but the current crop of Google Ads on LibDemBlogs seem to be drug related, including this classic block of ads:
Betting against Chelsea
I’ve been with for some years now, and I think this is the first time I’ve bet against something.
Looking at the odds for the Premiership it seemed that the best bet was against Chelsea. I think they’ll come second or third this year, but just have no idea who’ll win. So by betting against them if any of the other 19 teams win I’m £20 up.
Interest rates up…
..but only in Lincolnshire?
Well that’s the view that Lincs FM news team gave twice today. They claim that “it’s bad news for people in the Lincs FM area as interest rates have gone up by a quarter of a percent.”
Now I’m wondering if you live in Nottingham and have quite a good aerial that you too might have your interest rates increased, but your neighbours with a bedside alarm radio won’t.
K750i for Sale
Now we’ve upgraded the K750i to a K800i it’s no longer needed.
If you want the phone it’s on eBay until next week.