All posts by Ryan Cullen

Up and down

My webhosts Dataflame have been playing with their servers, which has been causing me some troubles. The first problem affected all of my .htaccess files which in turn crashed my blog and LibDemBlogs. After getting them to fix that, I then noticed a collection of scripts were broken, CNPS and my sidebar script all stopped working, so then I got that fixed. Then tonight everything disappeared. I sent off an email, but didn’t get any reply, then I realised email to was down, so I tried live chat instead. Someone called Jamie went off and soon everything was back up again. However if you find something faulty on any of my sites please let me know as I’ll need to get those fixed too.

Brown to stand down?

Texture like sun Now if I was Gordon Brown, the moment Tony announces the date, I too would announce that I was standing and possibly retiring from the house at the next election. Why would you want to run the country after the mess Tony has left it in. If he’s lucky he might win one election, and even that could be with a minuet majority and whilst unlikely imagine the embarrassment if he actually lost the next leadership election, it would destroy his political career. Instead Brown’s legacy would be a great economy, one of the best chancellors the country ever had.
I’d rather leave it at that myself.

Healthy eating at school – unhealthy eating outside?

Today Breakfast on the BBC had one big story which was the new regulations with regards to School Dinners, they had every kind of commentator, and the BBC website have collection of articles about the issue.
McDonalds / Echo PosterSo I was rather shocked when driving to work today to see this poster against one of the newsagents around the corner. Our local paper The Lincolnshire Echo seems to be giving away free McDonalds all week long.
Unfortunately we only get the Echo on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at the moment so I can’t read the small print, but I’m guessing they won’t be stopping school kids from buying them.
However that’s the only fault I have with the paper. It’s now the only paper I actually read, they’re quite nice to me and they were the ones who caught out Jim Speechley. I’ve also found myself listening to Lincs FM since I began my boycott of Radio 1, and discovered that whilst local radio has a lot of adverts, it doesn’t have either Chris Moyles or Scott Mills talking forever and also includes rather useful stuff like traffic updates and relevant news. Fall Schedule 2006 have the Fall Schedule out, so I’ve been looking for when the shows I want are on.

The ones I’ve found so far are:
Mondays 10pm – Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
(NBC, premieres September 18)
Wednesdays 9pm – Lost
(ABC, third season premieres October 4)
Thursdays 8pm – My Name is Earl
(NBC, second season premieres September 21)
Thursdays 8pm – Smallville
(CW, sixth season premieres September 28)
Fridays 10pm – Battlestar Galactica
(Sci Fi, third season premieres October 6)

Of course we’ll also have Torchwood to look forward to on BBC3 too.

Text to park

Pay and ParkNow I know this is already possible elsewhere but yesterday Lincoln launched it’s new Park & Pay scheme. Instead of having to find loose change when parking in any of the council owned car parks you can either call or text.
I’ve already pre-registered with the partner company Verrus, so now when I next park at Lucy Tower car park for 2 hours all I need to do is text 7852 2 to 07950 080201.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

studio60Managed to watch a copy of the pilot this morning of the new show from Aaron Sorkin. I was really impressed with it, it had the feel of the West Wing, as well as a large number of the cast (at least 6 and I’m sure I spotted a seventh) whilst not actually being about politics.
We’ve yet to really see how any of the episode will run, but the series is on Monday this Fall on NBC so I’ll be watching out for it.