…or not say the Advertising Standards Authority
All posts by Ryan Cullen
LibDem Blogger makes BBC 7 days quiz
So who got question 4 of the BBC 7 Days 7 Question Quiz right then?
Paul by any chance?
Black bag update
A follow-up to the post on Sunday regarding the black bags in Park Ward which are still on the streets. I’ve got an email from the officers informing me that they should be disposed of tomorrow.
Subject: RE: FW: Fly Tipping/Posting: 03224017
In an effort to look through all of these bags they were left in the street until an Enforcement Officer had looked through them all for evidence. This has now happened – a few addresses have been found and action will be taken. I have now told Cory that the bags can be collected and this will happen as part of the full cleanse of the street tomorrow.
I’ll just have to wait and see.
24 – Day 6 available to download?
Rumours on the internet are saying that the first 4 episodes of 24 have been leaked from a preview DVD. In America it starts on Fox this weekend, whilst those in the UK only have to wait towards the end of the month for it on SkyOne. Whilst it may be good news for fans desperate to see day 6, I’m sure that the files will be marked and the owner of the DVD will be in serious trouble.
The awful state of Park Ward
After an email to the council on Thursday evening and with the rubbish still out on Saturday, I decided en route to the High Street I would take photographic evidence of the fly-tipping problem I’ve got not only in my ward, but metres from my house.
For over 10 weeks now we’ve been using wheelie bins in Park Ward, as the majority of the house have small alleyways we have two 120 litre bins. A brown one for recycling which is collected every other week (and if that’s full you can leave more to the side if it’s clearly recyclable waste) and a black one for landfill waste which is collected every week, but no side waste. This includes black bags which are no longer collected, however it seems that some households in Park Ward just don’t care and continue to dump and allow others to dump black bags outside their houses.
As a regular reader of the F-Secure blog I was shocked to see what information was being requested on a PayPal phishing site.
The website not only asked for the CVV code (number on the back), but also your PIN Number!
Having just watched The Secret Life of Brian on Channel 4, I remember that I’ve yet to post my review of Spamalot.
I took Heather along just before Christmas for her birthday to a Saturday Matinee (the only tickets left). The musical follows the basic plot line of the Holy Grail and includes scenes from the film, but has been re-scripted for Broadway, which is the first problem.
It felt like some of the English humour was taken away to accommodate the Americans, and forgot to be put back in for the West End version.
Also the extra bits felt like they were written by either Mitch Benn or Richie Webb, both I can go and see for less than a tenner, a lot less that Spamalot!
However it was still funny. The set is really good and has been made to look like the original style of Python animation. The French and the Knights who say Ni. A full 10 out of 10 to Tim Curry who played a great King Arthur, if you do get a chance try and see the show before he goes (although if Keith Allen is free, I’m sure he would make a great replacement).
As per any West End show you will need to take out a small loan for tickets, programme and drinks but it was worth it.
Those top 5 posts
Copying Stephen and Will here are the top 5 posts of the year:
5: The News Quiz – a post about my shop appearing on said radio programme (426)
4: Torchwood on CBBC – the screenshot of the BBC mistake (533)
3: TV on your P990i (Xvid / DivX / MP4 / AVI / MPEG / 3GP) – might be something to do with the clever Google Bomb title, might be due to the lack of other instructions (851)
2: TomTom Navigator 6 on a P990i – quite popular as TomTom still don’t officially support it on the P990 (907)
1: News Of the World – A post about Mark Oaten without mentioning Mark Oaten! (1095)
However all these posts (combined) still lost out to the most popular post of the blog Major ’24’ spoilers revealed (which is now 2 years old) with over 8000 hits.
Fog Lights
Now that the great fog of December has lifted for 7 days you are allowed to turn your fog lights off. Infact
94: You MUST NOT
* use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users
* use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves to avoid dazzling other road users.
Law RVLR reg 27
Where have the Piers gone?
Whilst looking at Google Maps and Windows Live Local we noticed a small problem in Blackpool. Can you spot the difference?