All posts by Ryan Cullen

The Guinness is on me!

Last night I got this great email

Subject: your winning ticket number(44-40-23-777-01)

Dv-2006 program
Guinness plc, South Africa.
St Christo road (Sun City)

                          FINAL_ NOTIFICATION.
We happily inform you about our (guinness® national lottery program)held on the29th of November 2006, which you enterd as a dependent client and finally took the 1st position in our second category winners, that falls within the west africa region. Your email was attached to the ticket number(44-40-23-777-01) which made you a winner of 2.4 millionn dollars and your name being recorded in our guinness world book of record as the 1st lucky winner of the year 2006. You have been approved the sum of 2.4000,000 million dollars which will be sent accross to you through a guiness draft immediately. All emails are selected randomly through a computer ballot which subsequently won you the sweeptake of guinness internet web lottery.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This is part of our security mearsures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of the situation by other participant or impersonators.
Here is our fiduciary agent responsible for your winning claims.
EMAIL:[email protected]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == == = = =
You are required to forward the following details to help facilitate the processing of your GUINNESS® CLAIMS OF CERTIFICATE.

Residential address

Phone number
Present country
Marrtal status.

Yours sincerely
Jack Bruce



That’s right, not only have I won $2.4 million, but I’m getting it via a Guinness Draft!
Guinness Draft

20mph wheelie bin

I’ve got into the habbit of checking Google Analytics daily to see which search phrases are used to find my site. Most are related to mobiles, 24 or E4 however this one caught my eye: 20mph wheelie bin.
So I got Google to tell me which search engine was used (Yahoo) went there myself and tried the query. The results showed that I’m fifth 🙂
However what was disapointing was to find a Mr Stephen Tall first!
I’m sure my blatant attempts to use SEO tricks will force me to be top before the end of the year.
ps. if anyone knows exactly what was searched for please let me know.

TV on your P990i (Xvid / DivX / MP4 / AVI / MPEG / 3GP)

Following on from my rather successful guides in getting Blackberry and TomTom on your P990i, I’ve decided to write my next guide on getting good videos onto your phone.

UPDATED (Wed 13th Dec 13:54)
Step 1: Download M3
Step 2: If you don’t have it download .NET Framework
Step 3: Run the software with the P990i profile
Step 4: Copy the MP4 file to your memory card.
M3 [Click to enlarge]
It’s that easy!!! If you want to do it the hard way follow the instructions below.

The orignal post
After spending days sifting through all those Google links, trying to avoid software which sliced the files, was expensive or contained spyware / viral software I was finally pointed towards SUPER © (keep looking for the download links).
It’s free and as far as I can see has no spyware or anything else nasty (please let me know if you do spot something).
Installing is simple and when you finally get it running you should see this screen with tons of settings.
P990 Super Settings [Click to enlarge] Battlestar Specs [Click to enlarge]
You should either find the file you want converting and drag-and-drop it, or right-click and selected Add Multimedia File(s).
Now you can do what you want, but as your reading this, I’m guessing you want my opinion. So:
Output Container – mp4 (MPEG-4);
Video Codec – MPEG-4;
Audio Codec – AAC;
Use Direct Show – Ticked;
Video Scale Size – 320×240;
Aspect – 4:3;

The next one seems to be debated a lot, the phone will cope with 30 frames per second, however I always recommend using the same as the source file. There is no point setting it to 30 when the original was only 23.98. As each file is different always check this one. To investigate double click on the files name in the big grey box towards the bottom. This should open a window like that on the right and look for the line with FrameRate/String, for this file it’s 23.976 so I’ve used 23.98 in SUPER ©.

Bitrate kbps – 768;
Hi Quality – Ticked;
Stretch It – Un-ticked;
Audio Sampling Freq – 24000 (if you can really tell the difference then set it to 48000, but I don’t think it’s worth it);
Channels – 2;
Bitrate kbps – 64;

Now all your settings are complete, you just need to hit the Encode button and wait.
Two things to point out, firstly the status bar is pointless, it gets to what looks like 100% pretty quickly, before returning to zero. It will do this lots. Secondly for large files (+300mb) it seems to always say that the conversion failed. With these settings your files should be reduced by around a third, so if it’s only 50-100mb you may need to try again. If it’s 200mb it’s most likely worked.

The last step is copying the file to your phone or memory stick which is easy, then opening Media Player, Video and selecting the file. (Warning, don’t worry that it can take up to 30 seconds for the file to start and that you’ll phone will just jam, it will play eventually!)

Battlestar on P990

Finally two small short cuts:
Right-click on SUPER © and you should see an option called Specify The Output Folder Destination, it’s worth setting this to something within My Documents, otherwise you’ll spend ages hunting for your converted file.
Also if you right-click another option is called Import (Load) An External SUPER © Profile and in the file name box enter and all the settings will be set to those above.

Blackberry on a P990i

Blackberry P990Further to my post from last year pointing out how to get Blackberry on a P910i (which is one of the most read posts), after a month of running Blackberry on my P990i I thought I would share the tips in getting it to work.

As before a few disclaimers THIS IS NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED! I have it working with a Vodafone SIM with APN enabled and a Vodafone P990i using the Web Client Software.

First get the SIS file and install it onto your P990i.
Once the install is complete, you may be asked if you want to start any of the applications, just select cancel.
Now reboot your phone.
Once it’s restarted in Tools, you’ll have a Blackberry application, open it up. The first prompt will be to set it up. BlackBerry Internet is the choice which I’ve used (you can try BlackBerry Enterprise, but I can’t help out much).
Next you’ll need to get a PIN generated, to do this click on the word BlackBerry at the top and then Register now. You should get a Registration Message Sent box appear on your screen.
Again reboot the phone.
Hopefully by now if you go back into the BlackBerry application and click on the green i icon it’ll show your PIN and IMEI number.
Now on the internet with your computer visit (this is for Vodafone, for other networks you should try Google or calling customer service), then setup a new account, or if you already have a Blackberry account login and find the change handheld option.
After a while you should get a Service Book sent down to your phone, and after this you should be able to send and receive emails.

Points to note
You need Blackberry enabled on your account / SIM.
You need the firmware version R7A001 (visit Sony Ericsson to download the Update Service)
You may find that when entering your PIN into the Vodafone site that you get an error message asking you to call 191. If this happens you will need to ask Vodafone very nicely to see if they can help. However more than likely you’ll be told that it’s not supported.

25 Feb 07 – Upgraded to the latest firmware? Try this link direct on the Sony Ericsson website for the new version which works on the P990 and should work on the M600 and W950.
12 Apr 07 – Got R5A17? Latest version of Blackberry 3.5 available here
29 Jun 07 – Got R6D26? Newest version of Blackberry 3.55 available here

TomTom Navigator 6 on a P990i

TomTomMy Holux GPS receiver arrived yesterday from nav4all, which finally let me try TomTom Navigator 6 on my P990i. Whilst it’s still not officially supported by TomTom, if you buy the software it comes with an option to install on a UIQ3 phone.
The install process is really easy. Just put your memory card in to your computer and run the install DVD. You’ll then need to put the memory card in to your phone, which will start the phone installer.
After selecting maps, languages and my new GPS receiver, TomTom found me in my house.
With favourites and points of interest this morning I was able to get to David’s and be warned that there was a 30 mph speed camera (thanks PocketGPS World). However en route to work I was informed that the A46 between Lincoln and Newark is 30 in some places, yet it’s 70 the whole way.
Otherwise it’s all great.
Holux 236 GPS ReceiverTomTom GPS SignalIf anyone is looking at running GPS via their phone, grab a Holux 236 from nav4all whilst there are still €70s as it’s worth every penny. The image on the right was the coverage inside my office, and it actually got better finding 8 satellites, minutes later.

Mobile network in internet tie-up

The BBC are reporting that 3 is making the web easier on your mobile.

Mobile firm 3 has agreed a tie-up with top internet firms in a move it claims will make the mobile internet work properly for the first time.

It is launching a partnership with internet firms including Skype, Google and eBay.

I may be wrong but Google already spots when I use my mobile on any network and reformats the web for me, and eBay has been available for years at

A lot of posts

Forgot to post this on Thursday, but I believe that on Wednesday we saw the largest number of posts on LibDemBlogs since it started. Some 73 posts were made and almost half were about the US Midterms. Unfortunately I’ve not got a proper record of posts per day so without going back through the last two years, I’ll rely on someone else to prove me wrong.