Internet via the mobile

I’ve finally got my computer up in Lincoln, and whilst waiting for broadband to arrive, I’m using GPRS via my mobile to connect to the internet.

It’s pretty fast (115.2Kbps it claims), but the only problem is that o2 compress the images before they arrive. To get them to appear properly I need to hover over the images and then press Shift+R.

Below is an example of what I see:

Low Quality High Quality

Images copied from the BBC

Drinks Promotions

Several reports in the papers about Labours plans to scrap happy hour, but what I want to know is how far do they plan to go with banning drinks promotions.

Personally I believe in a free market for both Tobacco and Alcohol sales, I would allow both manufactures and retailers to price the product and promote it according to the market (although banning any advertisements to those under the current legal age).

What the government have done to Tobacco and what they plan to do to Alcohol is a disgrace.

I can understand the worries about happy hour, with 18-21 year olds get tanked up in an hour, but if a bar needs to raise it income during the more empty hours of 6-7, then why can’t it apply a drinks promotion.

Will we also see the banning of 2 for 1, or even a £1 a pint? Is 3 for 2 ok? What about 50p off? 10p?

Or will pub, bars and off-licenses only be able to sell drinks at the manufactures advised price. Thus removing all competition in the market, but ensuring that those young kids aren’t encouraged to buy more drinks than they can handle?

New House, New Job

Haven’t been posting for a while, mainly because my new house didn’t have

a) my computer

b) a phone line (well BT had reconnected the line, it just happened that we didn’t actually have a physical line into the house)

My new room is small (really small), although the large kitchen and living area makes up for this. The house is very pink, but that’s because I live with two female art students.

I’m still looking for that £40k/year IT job, however until then, I’m going to temp for Banks Cargill doing admin and data entry work.

Giving Blood

Blood StickerToday I gave blood. It’s my 6th pint, and I’ll continue to give blood every 4 months until they tell me to stop.
I’m not going to preach and tell everyone else to do it. For starters they have stupid rules which mean a number of you aren’t able to do it, and I also know why people might be scared of needles.

Spot the difference

Renaissance JesusJerry Springer Jesus


Some of the biggest fuss about Jerry Springer the Opera is this

a nappy-wearing Jesus confessing he is “a bit gay”

Now can somebody point out the “nappy” on the picture on the right?
You can’t. That’s because in Act III, Jesus is wearing a loincloth, as per the picture on the left.
In Act I, Montel wears a nappy. These are not the same character!
And what exactly is so wrong about somebody saying they might be “a bit gay” then?

Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians

Have you just watched Jerry Springer the Opera on BBC2? Did you enjoy it?

Why not tell the BBC, and also Ofcom (you can contact them now that the show has been aired).

If you loved the show, or would like to try and count the swear words and work out if the BBC estimate of 300 was correct, or if it was more like the 8000 the Daily Mail were claiming, then you can buy the soundtrack from Amazon.