Buncefield Photos

Buncefield PhotosAs I was going to Hemel to see my Mum for Boxing Day, I had to visit Maylands Avenue to see what it looked liked.
I’ve taken photos with my rubbish P910i and uploaded them to flickr which I’m just trying (instead of my own photo gallery script I wrote 5 years ago).
I was suprised to see about 50 people taking photos, but then I was one of them. Driving past Woodhall Farm, a large number of the flats had boarded up windows.
And speaking to Luke, his Christmas wages were last months basic pay as the outsourced payroll department was affected.

China bar blaze kills 25

Not the most exciting headline, or news story to be truthful. However the BBC have been telling me about it since 2am yesterday. Almost every hour via email.

My inbox has 51 messages (and still counting) from the BBC News Alert system, which clearly has a bug.

As a blackberry user this is bloody annoying as my phone keeps beeping to tell me exactly the same thing.

At least I’ve set it up to turn off during the night.

F-off: Whilst writing this post 2 more messages have arrived.

A response from Sainsburys

The following is the correspondence between myself and Sainsburys

From: Ryan Cullen
Sent: 8 Dec 2005 20:40

It was recently noted that 10-20 people have managed to get Jerry Springer the Opera banned from your stores.
As a regular shopper and a former staff member, could I therefor ask that you should remove the Daily Mail immediately as it offends my beliefs.

To: Ryan Cullen
Sent: 9 Dec 2005 08:33

Dear Mr Cullen,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. I am very sorry that you are unhappy with our decision to stop selling Jerry Springer, The Opera on DVD.

Please let me assure you that we would never wish to cause offence to any of our customers. As a retailer, we feel we should offer our customers a choice of what to buy. We monitor all feedback about the products on sale in our stores and I can confirm that we are no longer selling Jerry Springer, The Opera.

Thank you again for letting us know how you feel. We are committed to getting things right for our customers and I do hope I have been able to offer you some assurance.

Kind regards,

Kelly Brookes
Sainsbury’s Customer Services

From: Ryan Cullen
Sent: 9 Dec 2005 21:51

Whilst I have no concerns over you selling Jerry Springer, The Opera, I do have concerns over the Daily Mail which is what my email was regarding.
Can you please inform me if you are planning to remove this publication as I’m sure there must be others who have contacted yourselves regarding the sale of it.

I look forward to your reply.

Ryan Cullen

To: Ryan Cullen
Sent: 12 Dec 2005 14:55

Dear Ryan

Thank you for your further email. I am sorry that my colleague’?s response to your previous email was inappropriate. I can assure you it was intended in the best possible faith, and I know my colleague made every effort to reply to your question fairly and honestly.

I do appreciate that your original email was to ask that we remove the Daily Mail from sale in our stores. I have passed your comments on to our buyers for their consideration. They will carefully monitor all the feedback we receive from our customers and will make an informed decision in due course.

Thank you once again for your email and our support with this issue. We are always keen to have views and comments from customers, as it helps us to monitor our service and make improvements where necessary. Your views are therefore most welcome.

Kind regards

Graham Salmon
Customer Response Team
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd.

Maybe well see it being removed from the shelves.

Hemel clouded in smoke

BuncefieldAs somebody who always leaves their phone on, last night I switched it off. When I turned it back on at 8 this morning I had 3 new text messages.
Mum, Rebecca and Heather informed me to watch the news. I went straight downstairs, and saw the pictures. It’s seems that an explosion has happened at the Buncefield Fuel Depot (which is actually in Hemel, BBC), large flames can be seen on the TV and well as the huge amount of smoke.
I’ve spoken to my Mum and sister who were awoken at 6am by the large explosion, and they both seem to be fine, however I believe they will be spending the whole day indoors watching News 24 or Sky News.
As a child there were always worries about Buncefield as a possible target for the IRA, however it seems that our disaster predictions of the whole of Hemel disappearing in to a hole were wrong.
I’ve added a Google News feed to the sidebar for the moment for all the latest news at Hemel.

World Cup Draw spoilt by Motty

World Cup DrawWatching the World Cup Draw last night on BBC2, I couldn’t work out why Motty wouldn’t shut up. The German presenter was speaking English and was explaining step by step what was going on, but John Motson needed to talk over the top, get confused and make no sense at all.
We were informed by the German that if an African team came out of pot 3, they would be put against Argentina, so when the Ivory Coast came out Motty got very excited that they would be playing England, even though Argentina came up on the big screen at the back, the German said they would be playing Argentina and that the footballer picked them out of the C pot (Argentinas) to determine where in the group they would go.

Cameron wants more women….

…or just more Davids in his shadow cabinet?

For the women:
Theresa May (Shadow Commons leader);
Theresa Villiers (Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury);
Cheryl Gillan (Shadow Wales secretary) and
Caroline Spelman (Shadow secretary for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)

and for the Davids:
David Davis (Shadow home secretary);
David Willetts (Shadow education secretary);
David Lidington (Shadow Northern Ireland secretary) and
David Mundell (Shadow Scotland secretary)

not forgetting David Cameron (Leader of the Opposition) himself.