Amazon Sidebar Links

With several people now successfully using my Amazon Sidebar links (those I am reading/watching/listening… on the righthand side), I’m going to offer them to the wider public.
Click the link, follow the instructions.
Being crap at explaining anything, please leave feedback in the comments.

Tip: if you want to give referral sales to me use artesea-21 as your tag, theliberaldemocr for the LibDems or ldys-21 for LDYS.

Chav School and a Free Dinner

ChavsStaying at the Hilton Newbury North for the week, David and I went for dinner last night in jeans and t-shirt.
We went to give our room numbers but we were just waived in.
When we sat down we suddenly realized. There must have been at least 20 chav’s all staying the night. Somebody must have been paying their bill, but the hotel staff must have believed that we were with them too!
Whilst the dinner ended up being free, I was going to claim it on expenses anyway.
Some how I feel dirty.

New blog toy

If you are reading the permalink version of this page, you will have noticed something new at the bottom.
Using the Blog Search XML files, built with the url of the title link, I can see who else has been blogging the same story as me.
With some fancy code I can place this information at the bottom of each post.
This one is a bit of a cheat, as I’ve linked to the Brown speech promotes Britishness off the BBC website just to demonstrate, but if you go back through the archives you’ll see other examples.

Why Charles must go

Charles KennedyPosting as a grassroots activist who has been backing Charles to stay as leader, I now say it is time to go.
It’s now obvious that Charles hasn’t had the support of most of his front bench for almost a year, and that he has been ignoring their requests to stand down. It’s a shame that the gang of 11 didn’t have the guts to send their letter before Christmas or call for a vote of confidence before now.
Instead as a party we are left with a leadership election of one, who will have no shadow cabinet.
Hopefully by Monday morning we will see Charles stand down and Ming, Hughes and Oaten put themselves forward to start what we will an exciting leadership contest.