Trident Gum

Just read through this weeks Advertising Standards Authority adjudications I found this one about Cadburys.
Their campaign for Trident Gum, has been found to be racist. Whilst I felt the adverts were rubbish and I’m pleased that if I do end up watching Commercial TV that I won’t see them again, I really don’t think they were racist.

Things you do whilst driving

Just doing a YouGov prize survey (the ones where you get no cash) which seems to be going on for ages, and I have reached this question:

Which, if any, of the following do you do WHILST driving? [Please tick all that apply]

    Drink Driving

  • Smoke
  • Eat
  • Speak on a mobile phone
  • Write/ read text messages
  • Read directions/ a map
  • Listen to loud music
  • Listen to a walkman
  • Watch TV
  • Drink alcohol
  • Talk to my passengers
  • Use my satellite navigation system
  • Other
  • Nothing – just drive

Whilst I understand that the law has changed on using your mobile, and YouGov are looking for figures, would anyone really tick the Drink alcohol or Watch TV options?

0114 219 0043

Does anyone know this number? We have been getting many missed calls and if we do manage to answer the phone the line seems to be dead. A quick Google search fails to bring anything up, however the Google Toolbar was suggesting the number, which shows that others are also looking.
ps, ever so sorry if I’ve just published someone’s home number on the net, however you really should have left a voicemail.

TomTom 6.021

Looks like TomTom have released an update to TomTom Navigator 6 for UIQ3 (P990/M600/W950). This update can be found by plugging your phone into your PC whilst TomTom Home is running. Unfortunately it looks like TomTom Home is actually unable to install the update though.
So here’s my step by step guide.

  1. Plug your phone in to you PC in File Transfer Mode and run TomTom Home.
  2. Download the update.
  3. Unplug your phone.
  4. Uninstall TomTom from your phone.
  5. Find the cab file which would have been downloaded on to your PC (should be My Documents / TomTom / HOME / Downloads /
  6. Use Unzip software to unpack the cab file.
  7. Plug phone back in to PC in File Transfer Mode.
  8. Via MyComputer open the Memory Card.
  9. Drag-and-drop the 4 folders and install.bif file on to your Memory Card (say yes to any Replace prompts).
  10. Unplug your phone, wait a short while and follow the prompt to install TomTom.

To be truthful the only difference I can see is the option to switch between Left and Right hand modes, and I’m guessing better memory handling, but not much else.

2p of Income Tax, so am I better off?

Today’s announcement that 2p will be taken off Income Tax looks good, however the BBC report that I’ll also lose the 10p band, so some back of the fag packet (excel) calculations show.

Before (according to 2007/8 figures from HMRC)
Income TaxPersonal Allowance £5,225 = £0
10p rate £2,230 = £223.00
22p rate £8,545 = £1,87.90
Total tax = £2,102.90

Now (using 20p and no 10p rate)
Personal Allowance £5,225 = £0
20p rate £10,775 = £2,155.00
Total tax = £2,155.00

Difference £52.10 worse off.

Pushing the correct buttons on Excel manage to show that a salary of £18,605 would result in no change and anything more would result in a tax cut.

Edit – OK for the time being I’m actually better off, forgetting to add my Council Allowance to these figures.

Why we didn’t vote for the budget

Today at full council the Liberal Democrat group refused to vote for the budget. The only reason for doing this was because the budget arrived on our doorstep on Friday 2nd March, after we had already departed for a weekend in Harrogate.
We found it totally unacceptable that such a serious document which was between 150-200 sides of A4 was sent out as an “item to follow”. If the controlling Labour group expect a debate, an amendment or even an alternative budget we expect next time to receive the paper at least two weeks in advance.
We had also decided that under the same reasoning, if the opposition Tory group had submitted or proposed any changes that this too would be voted against.
Several Labour councillors failed to understand our position, believing somehow that the few consultation sessions to decide what priorities should be made are equivalent to analysing the full and complete paper.
Let’s hope that next year, whoever is in control that we can have a serious debate about how we are to spend the tax payers’ money, by ensuring that everyone has a full chance to read and discuss the proposals with the relevant officers and political groups.