Everybody seems to be going on how this summer has just been crap, and for those who are still living in temporary accommodation after the flood it must be, however:
In June, Heather and I got married and had perfect weather all day. Our honeymoon in Sorrento was in the 30’s everyday.
We went to Kew Gardens, where it was lovely except for a small thunderstorm.
Heather sang at Bury St Edmunds, St Edmundsbury Cathedral where I sat in the sun for hours and had a great time at the Greene King Brewery.
We took Sasha and Rhys to Whipsnade Zoo, which was also a hot day, followed by me going to watch Arsenal on the Sunday which again was a fine day.
We went to Clumber Park this weekend, and yep that was a great day too.
So whilst it might have been a bit rubbish whilst I’ve been sat behind my desk, on the days we’ve made plans to go out it’s been wonderful.
Category Archives: Other
This isn’t a test post
Fopp Shock
Whilst in my Fopp closes post, I stated that I wasn’t that shocked the the shops have closed, just checking my webstats now show that the post has had over 1000 in a week! That makes it the 5th most popular post of the year so far.
Fopp closes :(
The BBC is reporting that Fopp has closed. Unfortunatly I could see this on the cards when they purchased the failed Music Zone, who had original grown by buying the failed MVC.
The orginal Fopp in Leamington was great, although maybe not buying much from there 7 years ago might be the reason why it’s gone.
Bacon and Red Wine for Breakfast
Parking charges up by 1000%!
Today’s papers and Direct Line would want you to believe that the cost of parking your car has soared. Citing Berkhamstead as an example, where on average parking for two hours will now cost you a whole £1.08 (was 10p). If anybody really believes that £1.08 is an extortionate price for car parking they haven’t been to London.
Worse is the panic that the overall average has gone up from 86p to £1.21 in six years. A price rise of about 6p per year. 6p!!!!!!!
It reminds me of the people moaning about the recent rise for the Dunham Bridge toll. This year saw a 20% increase, which to cars was 5p. Now unless those opposing price increases want a yearly inflationary increase of 1 and 2p and are willing to have a stack of coppers, a 5p rise after four years ain’t bad.
Things you do whilst driving
Just doing a YouGov prize survey (the ones where you get no cash) which seems to be going on for ages, and I have reached this question:
Which, if any, of the following do you do WHILST driving? [Please tick all that apply]
- Smoke
- Eat
- Speak on a mobile phone
- Write/ read text messages
- Read directions/ a map
- Listen to loud music
- Listen to a walkman
- Watch TV
- Drink alcohol
- Talk to my passengers
- Use my satellite navigation system
- Other
- Nothing – just drive
Whilst I understand that the law has changed on using your mobile, and YouGov are looking for figures, would anyone really tick the Drink alcohol or Watch TV options?
0114 219 0043
Does anyone know this number? We have been getting many missed calls and if we do manage to answer the phone the line seems to be dead. A quick Google search fails to bring anything up, however the Google Toolbar was suggesting the number, which shows that others are also looking.
ps, ever so sorry if I’ve just published someone’s home number on the net, however you really should have left a voicemail.
Bob Crow is a twat
Watching News 24’s coverage of the Cumbria rail crash Bob Crow was on speaking via his phone. He mentioned that blame was already been pointed towards his members, his reasoning for this was that police were questioning them.
WTF of course the police should be questioning them. They should be questioning everybody who is involved in running and maintaining these tracks, included maintenance staff, those in the control rooms and the managers.
ING are crap
We’ve now had two Bank of England rates rises, and I’ve now had two emails from ING telling me that they aren’t following. So that’s 0.5% that they are currently keeping from me.
If I can manage to get Heather on to my current Egg account I’m moving as Egg are offering 5.25% for exactly the same type of account we have with ING.