Listening to the News Quiz this evening, there was a mention of my shop
All posts by Ryan Cullen
Shop of the Month
This was in my inbox today, via the Spreadshirt Newsletter.
Shop of the Month: focusfodder
Accentuating the positive?
LibDems is the hangout spot for the liberal democrat blogs of Britian. In case you thought you were alone, currently over 50 bloggers are in the arena. With topics ranging from: Brit monarchy, Canadian elections, building bridges and, sometimes, even fighting hard (as Simon from Inner West posted “Ambition is a reality of politics, and a good thing. We can’t always be nice and fluffy. We might actually want to be successful.” I like his style. Speaking of which, you can wear your LibDem thoughts via this lovely focusFodder shop.
Google Talk in GMail?
This news story appeared on the BBC Website yesterday.
Some Gmail subscribers would begin to see the changes instantly as the service was rolled out on 7 February, the company said.
But it seems those subscribers are only those from America.
Seemed to be a bit early to announce it on the Beeb, if I can’t use it yet.
Battlestar Galactica
Being too young to remember the original I would like to thank Tony and David for getting me in to the new version.
As it’s on Sky One I didn’t have much chance to watch it. However on New Years Eve whilst at Sally’s and Tony’s I watched the feature length pilot/movie. Then a couple of weeks ago whilst staying in Newbury in a hotel, I watch one of Season 2 with David.
I’ve now gone and got the DVD of season one, and I’m getting through the episodes pretty quickly. As somebody who been watching a lot of American shows at the moment (24, West Wing, Smallville, Surface, Invasion, Lost, Firefly) this is definitely one of the better ones.
Meme thingy
Here you go Will
1. Finish this off…
LibDem Blog Problems
Lib Dems Get Shirty
After Popbitch and the Wales on Sunday, it’s now the turn of the local paper Lincolnshire Echo to do a feature on my t-shirts.
Politics Test
As everyone else is doing this, here’s my result:
You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (38% permissive) You are best described as a:
Thought I might have ended up a bit higher than that on the economic scale though.
Liberal Democrat T-Shirt Shop in the News
My T-Shirt shop has been in the news over the last few weeks.
First there was LibDem News in the People section.
Then the Guardian Backbencher (twice).
The Wales on Sunday were giving them away as a prize on the politics page a few weekends ago.
And yesterday I was in Popbitch, leading to over 6000 hits!
I’m also republishing the graph below, as it’s now fallen off the main page.
Sven Quits
…but only after the World Cup.