I’ve created a LibDem Flickr Group as a central point for people to share (and steal) each others photos to be used blogs, websites or foci.
Alternatively you could just have a look at the pictures.
You can only add pictures if you are a member of the group. So feel free to contact me with your Flickr username to be added.
All posts by Ryan Cullen
Get a free date!
Using Googles new Google Romance you could find Mr/Mrs Right and have your date paid for by Contextual ads (similar to those Google Ads you see on every website).
Why not give it a try today.
Windows Live Messenger Invites
Playing about on the Internet on Sunday I managed to get myself on the Windows Live™ Messenger Beta trial (the new name for MSN Messenger).
Today I have some invites to give away.
Friends or donors are welcome to ask for them.
Would you follow the link?
A few weeks ago I received this email
From: Admin Support <=encem("subscriptions@national-lottery.co.uk");?>>
To: Ryan Cullen
Sent: 13 Mar 2006 09:08
Subject: National Lottery SubscriptionWe have some exciting news about your National Lottery Subscription. Please click http://www.national-lottery.co.uk/player/subs/viewSummary.do and enter your username and password to view the details of your Subscription online now.
Kind regards,
National Lottery Subscriptions Team
Now I didn’t click the link, I’m not that stupid. I get lottery spam at least once a day.
So I went to the proper National Lottery website www.national-lottery.co.uk and logged in the usual way. And what did I find?
A £10 win on the lottery 🙂
So what’s so good about spirits?
For the umptenth time Gordon Brown hasn’t raised duty on Spirits, but raised them on Beer and Wine.
Do spirits have special properties that don’t get yobs drunk on a Saturday night?
Surely it can’t be that Gordon is keeping the distilleries happy, what about all the other types of spirits?
Is Sir Menzies Campbell a ‘caretaker’ leader?
Today at Conference somebody from the BBC News website asked me a few questions.
Some of my answers can now be found online.
Now that Ming has won, it’s time to off load those left over t-shirts.
Sale starts now.
New Sidebar Country Support
My Amazon Sidebar tool has now been modified to accept Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.de and Amazon.fr as well as Amazon.co.uk.
It auto-detects which site you were on when you selected the product, and generates the appropriate link.
is a great app for your camera phone for Flickr users meaning you don’t need to connect your phone to a PC first (although watch out for GPRS costs!)
Forthcoming Marriages
The engagement is announced between Ryan, elder son of Mr Thomas Cullen, of Camden, London and Mrs Sallie Cullen of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, and Heather, youngest daughter of Mrs Shirley and the late Mr Peter Quinton of Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire.