All posts by Ryan Cullen

Some small changes

I’ve tweaked the background and style sheet to make the left column slightly wider, whilst taking the pixels from the right hand side.
By doing this, it allows me to whore my blog to the advertising world with 468×60 pixel ads. I’ve made a script which rotates the order and changes the ads for each company on each reload. It also places an add at the bottom of the item page, and I’ll work on getting the archive pages pimped.
I also played about with the flickr badge, so I now show all my pictures instead of my Cullen photoset, and they also have a “shake it like a Polaroid” background.
You may need to do a Ctrl+F5 to load the modified style sheet.

Opera Mini 2

Opera MiniWhilst I’m not too keen on the full browser (being a Firefox fan), I have to say that Opera Mini is great.
It works on most modern mobiles, is free* to use and make web browsing on the phone much nicer.
As a P910 user I already have Opera Mobile installed, but Mini is a whole lot faster and a lot smoother.
You can download it easily by pointing your wap browser to this url then following the steps.

* If you download it via your phone, you will need to pay the GRPS charges for the software. Also you’ll need to pay GPRS charges when you use Opera Mini.

Google Calendar

If you look to the right (on the main page) you’ll see my upcoming events.
This is my first attempt at playing with the Google Calendar API. It wasn’t as easy as some of the others I’ve used, and a lack of any real PHP code made it harder.
For some reason the XML files return different date formats depending on the type of event. For short one day meetings I get a start and end time inside a <gd:when /> tag down to the nearest millisecond. For all day events I just get the Year-Month-Day. For reoccurring events, a completely different set of data is returned inside <gd:recurrence /> tags, one day events have start and end times, whilst hourly events have a start time and a duration.
It also only shows the last 25 modified events (although you can search by date ranges), so if I enter an event a year in advance it may not show up.
Maybe if a GData library is available for PHP it’ll be easier, but at the moment my nasty hacky code seems to work.