Today at full council the Liberal Democrat group refused to vote for the budget. The only reason for doing this was because the budget arrived on our doorstep on Friday 2nd March, after we had already departed for a weekend in Harrogate.
We found it totally unacceptable that such a serious document which was between 150-200 sides of A4 was sent out as an “item to follow”. If the controlling Labour group expect a debate, an amendment or even an alternative budget we expect next time to receive the paper at least two weeks in advance.
We had also decided that under the same reasoning, if the opposition Tory group had submitted or proposed any changes that this too would be voted against.
Several Labour councillors failed to understand our position, believing somehow that the few consultation sessions to decide what priorities should be made are equivalent to analysing the full and complete paper.
Let’s hope that next year, whoever is in control that we can have a serious debate about how we are to spend the tax payers’ money, by ensuring that everyone has a full chance to read and discuss the proposals with the relevant officers and political groups.
All posts by Ryan Cullen
CNPS on the Radio
I’ve just come back from the studio of Radio Lincolnshire where I’m one of the main features of the Breakfast show. After getting readers of the Echo to help me out, I’ve now got the listeners of the local radio.
You can listen again today once the show finishes via the stations website.
Back in the Echo
I’m in the Lincolnshire Echo again. Second time in seven days! Something to do with my slight obsession with number plates.
LibDem Conference at Fantasy Island?
Having read my Reports to Conference I noticed that we’ve yet to confirm that we’ll be going to Harrogate again in 2008. Then on the BBC Lincolnshire website I saw this story: Theme park to get concert venue and text of the story says
Conduit Leisure said it will add a 6,000-seat indoor arena to the Fantasy Island complex at Ingoldmelds… The indoor arena would be able to host concerts and conventions.
Everyone could then enjoy the fun of Ingoldmelds and Skegness.
Bob Crow is a twat
Watching News 24’s coverage of the Cumbria rail crash Bob Crow was on speaking via his phone. He mentioned that blame was already been pointed towards his members, his reasoning for this was that police were questioning them.
WTF of course the police should be questioning them. They should be questioning everybody who is involved in running and maintaining these tracks, included maintenance staff, those in the control rooms and the managers.
The Stars’ Tennis Balls
Spending a night in A&E gives you a good chance to read so when Heather went home to get my stuff, I got her to pick up the only book I could remember that was on my book shelf that I hadn’t read.
First starting the book it felt quite a bit like The Liar, which was a good read from Stephen Fry. However not too long into the book the plot line felt even more familiar, to the point where I was sure I had read the book before. Then I realised that this book is a really crap rip-off of the The Count of Monte Cristo a book which I spent a year reading and really enjoyed. So by this point I knew what was going to happen. In the end the book was just a let down. Shame on you Mr Fry! 0/10
Hot Fuzz
I went with Heather to see Hot Fuzz on Wednesday. I could attempt a 300 word review, but I’ll just go for BRILLIANT. 10/10.
Echo reports my hit on the head
Today’s Echo has an article about the me being hit on the head.
Time to go metric?
Have just seen a trailer for Richard and Judy. They mentioned that a clothes shop is modelling their swimwear in size 12. Judy in mock shock said “What no size zero?”. And this is my big problem about the current debate over clothes sizes. TV shows and presenters seem to swap between UK sizes like 10s and 12s with the US size of zero as if they are on the same scale. Also some seem to represent zero as having no waist at all.
So is it time for clothes makers across the globe to sell clothes based on waist sizes in centimetres?
Flickr now emailing comments
Spotted this on the Flickr blog. Flickr will now email you when you get comments on your pictures. For someone like me who doesn’t upload that many pictures, and which aren’t that exciting, I tend to miss any new comments, so this should help me out.