Terrorist Attacks

Whilst the bombings in London haven’t really had an effect on me, the bombings in Egypt have.
The attacks on London for myself have always been coming, and after Madrid, attacks on the Underground were most likely. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m no longer working and travelling in London, however both my Dad and my Mum’s boyfriend are in the area (my Dad was at UCL on Wednesday, Simon was on the scene of the number 30 bus within minutes).
It may be the lack of any iconic images, London only has a bus, whilst New York had two building collapsing, that I’m not glued to the TV or reading the newspapers, I just don’t know.
But it was a phone call yesterday which scared me. Only a few weeks ago my Mum and sister were in the hotel which was bombed by the suicide car bomber. They got to know the reception staff, the bar staff and possible some of the guests who were killed. For some reason what ever it is, I’m much more upset about this than London.

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