Metro Puzzle

I try to stimulate my tired brain every morning attempting the Metro Puzzle on the way in to work, today seemed to be a simple maths problem, and after attempting to guess the answer, I checked to see if I was correct.
Now not to spoil it for you, I’ve put my answer and their answer in the comments sections.

Celebrity Big Brother

Was just playing about with some code, when for no reason, I felt like having a look at the Channel 4 BigBrother site. Selecting the low graphics, zero ads news page, which is a lot quick, and often more up to date, I found this

There is another CBB show coming

Day -10, 15:00

Much like the last one – loads of people you thought were dead back on your TV

other “news” stories, seem to be the web editor playing about with the site, as either the links don’t work, or are just cuttings from Reuters.

So it looks like the new Celebrity Big Brother, will have a collection of hasbeens.

Google Suggest

Google have added Google Suggest to their labs.
I’ve got to say that it’s pretty fast and impressive.
Helps you narrow down search results, by providing alternative keywords, and can be fun looking at it’s top results.
Just by typing in one letter, you should be getting the most popular word, so A gives Amazon, E gives eBay, Hotmail, Ikea, News, Paris Hilton and Zip Codes.

Watchdog – Press 9

For some reason I enjoy watching Consumer Affairs programmes, and visiting website like ASA, OfCom and ICSTIS.

Now on Monday night Watchdog were talking briefly about the phone calls which ask you to Press 9 to win a prize, and telling people not to press 9. Yet only on the 30th November, I received an email from ICSTIS saying

£20 per minute and £50 per minute ‘premium rate scam’ warnings

Dear Ryan,

Over the last few days, ICSTIS has received dozens of enquiries about the above ‘scams’, which are being widely publicised by e-mail. To help us put an end to the current spate of enquiries, please pass this information on to all contacts.

In the first case, the apparent ‘deception’ takes place when people receive a recorded message informing them that they have won an all-expenses paid holiday and are asked to press 9 to hear further

details. It is then claimed that callers are connected to a £20.00 per minute premium rate line that will still charge them for a minimum of five minutes even if they disconnect immediately. It is also claimed that, if callers stay connected, the entire message costs £260.00.

In the second case, the apparent ‘deception’ takes place when people receive a missed call from a number beginning 0709. It is then claimed that, if callers dial this number, they are connected to a £50.00 per minute premium rate line.

Please note that these stories are NOT true.

£20.00 per minute and £50.00 per minute premium rate tariffs do not exist – the highest premium rate tariff available is £1.50 per minute. Despite the dozens of enquiries received by ICSTIS about these ‘scams’ (and most people appear to have heard about them second or third-hand), not one person who claims that it has actually happened to them has been able to produce a phone bill to support their story.

ICSTIS urges any individual or organisation that receives an e-mail about these ‘scams’ to delete it immediately. Please do NOT forward it to others.

Now I’m not going to say that people haven’t been receiving calls which tell them to press 9, but by pressing it, you won’t end up connected to a premium rate number, most likely you will be told to phone an 090 number to receive your prize.

It’s just a shame that a programme like Watchdog, doesn’t even bother to contact the relevant regulator to check their facts.

Blade: Trinity

Yesterday as I posted, I won free tickets to go and see a private screening of Blade:Trinity at the Charlotte Street Hotel.

Upon turning up, I was offered a choice of free wine or beer and I started chatting to people. I had travelled from Westminster, getting stuck in a tunnel on the District Line, where as the couple I was talking to had been flown down from Scotland and were staying in a hotel courtesy of Beat FM. I began to think that I was losing out on this freebie.

The film which was supposed to start at 9.00pm didn’t begin until 9.45pm as another screening was still going on, although it did mean more drink.

Finally we were allowed in to the cinema, as wow it was fancy, big comfy leather chairs and a large enough screen.

The film was just like the other two, and like most other action movies, plot line pretty predictable, but it was worth seeing.

All in all, a good night out.

Andrew Collins

In the office we listen to 6 Music, and between 16:00 – 19:00 the DJ is Andrew Collins.

The great thing about 6 Music, is the lack of listeners, this means the chances of your email being read out are high.

Today Andrew Collins was talking about Panto’s and the z-list celebs that appear in them, and wanted to know who Frankie Fitzgerald was. He knew he appeared in Troy and EastEnders, but had no idea who he was.

After a quick Google search I found this BBC page, and pointed Andrew in to the right direction.

Now he mentioned my name, along with a couple of other listeners, but the best bit was that the script in which the character Ashley Cotton was killed off in, was written by Andrew Collins!

David Davis: Action to protect householders

David Davis has said

People deserve to feel safe in their own homes. If a criminal breaks into their home and attacks them, people should be able to use the necessary force required to defend themselves, their families and their property, without the threat of criminal prosecution.

Whilst I understand that we need to protect the victims, the concept of without the threat of criminal prosecution, I surely wrong.
Only a criminal court will know if the actions made, require punishment, and not a Tory government.