The new LibDemBlogs shop focusFodder is open for trading, buy now and get your goods before Federal Conference!*
Delivery dates can’t actually be confirmed, as goods are sent from the USA
The new LibDemBlogs shop focusFodder is open for trading, buy now and get your goods before Federal Conference!*
Delivery dates can’t actually be confirmed, as goods are sent from the USA
Very good. It’s a shame you’re using cafepress though, as it seems a bit much to ship something like that over from the US. Isn’t there a UK partner you could have gone with?
I’ve used T Shirt Studio a few times for one offs, but they don’t have the same set up as cafepress.
I picked CafePress, because they offered the Jute and Yellow bags, which gave me the idea for doing the designs.
I’ve yet to see anyone offer the ability to create a shop in the UK. I’ve had good experiences with them on my two previous orders and also the prices on CafePress including postage still work out cheaper than T-Shirt Studio (Google)