Finally got round to manually installing SP2 after it never arrived via AutoUpdate.
Can’t see much difference, and as I already have Norton Firewall configured, the Microsoft Firewall is pretty pointless.
Oh well, at least the machine is a bit safer.
Category Archives: Other
Lies (and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them)
Very good, a lot better than Michael Moore, however as it features a lot of US TV Presenters and Politians, most of the time, I didn’t know who they were on about.
Had me laughing in places, and there is a new paperback version out, with an extra chapter.
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I am…
The I am reading / listening to … are now powered by a mixture of PHP, Javascript, XML, .htaccess, mySQL and Amazon AWS.
If you too would like an easy to administer (well once I write the front end, it will be), I am reading… piece for your blog sidebar then let me know, and I’ll create the code for you.
Just to let you know, I do let you have your own Amazon Associate ID’s, however 1 in 10 will be replaced by mine.
Site Sponsors – Change of Name
Got bored, so changed the name of the site.
I’ve also added Google Ads (as I felt left out from those with Blogspot ads), and Amazon ads.
Please click on them, and buy stuff, cos I get cash $:)£
Blog Hopping
I’ve switched on the NavBar to my site for the moment, mainly just so I can have fun surfing random sites, but hopefully it’ll put my site into the loop.
Don’t be to shocked if it disappears.
Although hopping made me realise stuff I hate other peoples blogs:
- People changing the cursor (evil)
- Having odd frames
- Dark text, on dark backgrounds
- Light text, on light backgrounds
- Using default blogger style sheets (oh wait)
- Having monthly archives listed as 09/01/2004 – 09/30/2004
Still to find a blog to bookmark, but found a few American fathers, and an Irish guy who is trying Internet dating.
Major ’24’ spoilers revealed
Hmmm, do I read all of it?
Had a quick peak, looks like it should be a good season and can’t wait for it start again.
Tick, tick, tick…
ps the President is the bad guy in Season 5.
Oops, did I spoil it? Well you did come here looking for it!
The Burning Girl
Had a very strong start, but just drifted off to the end (although reading whilst drunk might be a reason). Not the best of Mark Billinghams work.
Now need to find a new book to read!
3 / 5
GB take badminton silver
Firstly well done to Nathan Robertson and Gail Emms, you almost did it.
However my big problem is the evil BBC. For those who live in the UK you are able to watch the olympics online (including the bonus four digital feeds), those outside the UK can’t. Unfortunalty the BBC count work servers as outside the UK, and not only do they block the video, but also Five Live, meaning we can’t even listen to it.
So instead it was live updates in text, with me hitting refresh every minute or so.
Blogger NavBar
For those with Blogger hosted blogs, blogger now let you have the NavBar instead of the ads.
The best thing about this is the Next Blog link. You can spend hours just reading complete random rubish.
Yet to find a blog, that I might bookmark, but will keep looking 🙂
Blog Tweaked
I’ve been playing about with the settings in Blogger, modifying the template code and adding HaloScan Commenting.
To almost everybody, you won’t notice much of a difference, but to me it counts, especially the correctly aligned HTML, with as little as possible blank lines.