I have now discovered that trying to play CNPS in Hemel Hempstead is almost useless, whilst I can see a number 67 everyday, there just doesn’t seem to be the large quantity of valid cars, like Lincoln.
I have now discovered that trying to play CNPS in Hemel Hempstead is almost useless, whilst I can see a number 67 everyday, there just doesn’t seem to be the large quantity of valid cars, like Lincoln.
Have you got a 67 then?
I’ve been after a 72 for ages and see 71s every day. Grr.
I’m still waiting for a 66, everyday I drive past a 67, and some days then see a 68 followed by a 69.
Worst problem is that I’m not going to Lincoln for ages, and it’s such a CNPS heaven.
Yes Will, if you fancy catching up with your spotting, you’re welcome to come to Lincoln sometime over Christmas…
Since I started travlling to Manchester, my mind tried to occupy itself on the journey and I started CNPS. I’m looking for 23.
You must get a counter for your blog and join the fun…
If anybody does want a CNPS counter for their blog, or the graphs that me and Will have at http://www.artesea.co.uk/cnps/, let me know and I’ll help you set up an account. 🙂