Tidy Slugs

I’ve been playing about with WordPress plugins all day, and have created (more like stolen and modified a small amount) Tidy Slugs.
This plugin tries to catch a few of the random stuff that WordPress misses when I make the post slug.

For example if my post title was:
Ryan's Tidy Slugs, WordPress would make a URL of blog.artesea.co.uk/2007/11/ryans-tidy-slugs.html

however if it was:
Ryan’s Tidy Slugs (notice how the apostrophe is slightly more curvy) it would be blog.artesea.co.uk/2007/11/ryan%e2%80%99s-tidy-slugs.html

Very, very ugly!

(OK, you might not be able to spot the difference as WordPress loves to curve the apostrophes, however try creating a post title using the second one).

One thought on “Tidy Slugs

  1. Hi Ryan

    Saw your plug-in and thought I’d ask the question I’ve been pondering… Are you able easily to create post and page urls in wordpress like below, which do include either of the apostrophes, ie with no editing out automatically or weird coding such as %e2%80%99
    Examples would be like below…



    Be interested if this is possible?

    Many thanks


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